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Friday, August 21, 2015

Technical education

Technical education;img src="" alt="Technical education" />
Technical education
Education is the backbone of a nation. It removes superstitions enlightens a person with knowledge and wisdom and awards him with skill to earn his livelihood. So, education is related with life and the education which is integrated with life is called technical education. Today the world is rapidly advancing towards development due to the application of specialized or technical education.
Training in practical art and science is called technicaleducation. Technical education is actually the learning of a particular art or science or craft by actual doing.
Technical education;img src="" alt="Technical education" />
Technical education
Technical education is two-fold. One is the engineering, medical and agricultural sectors where the pursuers/traines  achieve higher degrees from college or universities. And the another is general technical education. No degree from any college or university is required for this education. Generally, primary or secondary education is sufficient. For example, carpeting, mechanical, tailoring works.
Technical education is very essential for the prosperity of a nation. It creates new prospects for employment opportunities and thereby relieves a country from the curse of unemployment. It plays an active role to sustain economic stabilities and to remove poverty from the country. Shortage of technicians is hampering our industries. So, technical education is necessary for greater production in industries. Moreover, we should transform our huge population into skilled manpower by giving them technical education. We can also earn a lot of foreign currencies by exporting this manpower to foreign country. After all, the more we emphasize on technical education, the more our economy will be strong and stable.
Technical education;img src="" alt="Technical education" />
Technical education
At present, there are three stages of technical education provided by the government of Bangladesh. These are- 1) The degree stage 2) The diploma stage and 3) The certificate state. About 1400 student can pursue the degree stage. On the other hand, there are 23 diploma providing institution and 3 technical education institutions. However, the number is very insufficient comparing to the necessity.
There are mismanagement and lack of structural facilities in implementing technical in Bangladesh so, for the betterment of our country, the Government should undertake a number of initiatives to expand technical education. First of all, more technical institutions have to be set up. Then, qualified
and trained teachers should be appointed, fund should be allotted for arranging educational materials and short term training courses should be provided. Besides, emphasis should be given on cottage industries, dairy industries etc. Finally people should also be made aware of the importance of technical education through the media.

Technical education;img src="" alt="Technical education" />
Technical education
In conclusion, it may be stated that there is no alternative to technical education in this age it is only technical education that can bring success and prosperity to a nation. Therefore, considering the development of the country, the govt. and the public both should come forward to flood the light of technical education across the country.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Compulsory free primary education

primary education ;img src="" alt="primary education ">
primary education 
One the factors that helps to develop the mind of a man is education. It leads a man from darkness to light. Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can prosper without it. And of all kinds of education for a country as well as in the life of an individual is very great.
Bangladesh has made some significant progress in primary education in recent years. At present, there are about 60,000 primary schools in our country. But yet, the number is not sufficient to provide accommodation for all children. Moreover all the poor parents do not sent their children to primary schools for receiving education owing one do not complete their primary course. As a result, the majority of our people is still illiterate.
primary education ;img src="" alt="primary education">
primary education 
Primary education is the founding phase where the citizens would grow with a certain vision and competence. Without education a man leads an accused life. He cannot develop any idea or good conception about life. Education removes darkness and enlightens mind. A man should keep his accounts, make his correspondence, read the newspaper and should be conscious about the right of his citizenship. So, in order to ensure the welfare of the people of a country, they must be given education at least up to the primary level.
The present state of primary education in Bangladesh is riddled with a lot of problems and trained teachers, of suitable syllabi, negligence of children and their parents towards education and a large number of drop-outs at the primary stage.
primary education ;img src="" alt="primary education">
primary education 
The Government in our country has taken some steps to remove illiteracy from the society. The year 1992 was started as the year for universal education. The Govt. has also taken rigorous campaign programmes to motivate parents to send their children to schools. The Government has also launched food for education  programme to inspire the poor parents to sent their children to schools. In the primary level, text books are also supplied to the students free cost. Again, UNICEF, ASHA, BRAC and many other organization have come forward to wipe out illiteracy from the company.
Furthermore, different media are being used for the publicity of compulsory primary education.
primary education ;img src="" alt="primary education">
primary education 
In order to make the compulsory free primary education programme successful, we have to eradicate problems that stand in the way of it. It is important to raise the number of teachers and also to arrange training facilities for them. More schools should be established. Govt. should take strict measures to ensure the supply of text books on time and should provide khata and pencils free of cost, specially for those who are disadvantaged. After all, awareness campaign to highlight the economic and social benefit of education should be launched. Media can play a vital role in this regard.

It is not easy to expand compulsory primary education to the whole country only by the government. All of us should assist the government for this great purpose. Otherwise, our country will fail to stand and develop.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Acid Throwing

<img src="" alt="Acid Throwing" />
Acid Throwing
Acid is a liquid chemical compound that can burn or damage things. It is even impossible to imagine that anyone can throw this harmful substance on a human being. But the harsh reality proves that it is happening in our country. Acid throwing is a crime against humanity. Some culprits take revenge to satisfy some personal vengeance or enmity by throwing acid cowardly. Acid throwing destroys the lives of the victims.
 The incident of acid throwing takes place due to mainly two reasons. The main reason is the rejection of love or marriage proposal. When the rejected lovers fail to win the heart of their beloved, they try or have revenge throwing acid on them. On the other hand, if two families fall into enmity on different issues, often one of them takes the part of savage vengeance and throws acid on the members of the other family. There are some other common reasons of acid throwing. Breakdown of marriage, demand for dowry etc. are some of them. But the most vital point that gives rise to acid throwing is the easy availability of acid. The govt. has almost no control over buying and sale of acid.
<img src="" alt="Acid Throwing" />
Acid Throwing
In our country women and children are the worst victims ofacid throwing. In our male-dominated society, without a rare exception men are the acid throwers and women and children are the victims. Statistics shows that almost 98% acid victims are women and children. According to Bangladesh Children Rights forum, about 25% of the victims are children.
The effect of acid throwing is destructive. In most cases, the acid victims succumb to injury. The survivors have to drag a miserable existence. Either they are crippled or paralysed . the victims also possess a terrifying and distorted appearance. Often the victims become physically invalid and they have to live depending on others. Thus the victims become burden to their families.
Acid violence would be tried under Women and children Repression Act – 1995. But if a male would be an acid victims, the crime would be tried according to the penal code of 1860. However, these proved insufficient to prevent or control acid violence. So, the govt. introduced Acid violence prevention Act 2002. Under this Act a separate court has been established to punish the acid-criminals and highest punishment to be awarded for this is death penalty.
To prevent acid violence, the govt. must take punitive action against the acid throwers. The involved criminals should be tried in summary trial and must be awarded with death sentence. Verdict of the court should be executed rapidly. On the other hand, sale and buying of acid should be strictly monitored.  Above all, government, non – government, and socio-cultural organization should go on with campaign against acid violence.
<img src="" alt="Acid Throwing" />
Acid Throwing

Throwing acid is nothing but a brutal and cowardice act. Such crime against humanity should never go unchallenged. The govt. and other humanitarian organization should come forward to check acid violence as well as to rehabilitate the acid-survivors.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Child Labour

Child Labour;img src="" alt="Child Labour" />
Child Labour
Child labour is a burning question of the day. When the children of the age of 5-14 years are employed to work for pay or profit, or without pay in a family, enterprise or organization, it is called child labour. It has become a serious socio-economic problem in Bangladesh. It is a curse and a satire to our development programmers.
About one tenth of global children population under15 years of age work in various occupation, some of which are hazardous. Child  labour was first recognized as a social problem with the introduction of factories in the late 18th century in Great Britain. In the USA, it was acknowledged as a problem after the civil war. In earlier days, children worked as apprentices in factories or as servants in families. But in factories their employment soon turned into virtual slavery. Although most European nation had child labour laws by 1940, the urgency of production during the second world war brought many children back into the labour market.
Child labour in Bangladesh has become very acute nowadays. Approximately 19% of the total child population of Bangladesh works as child labour. The proportion is much higher in case of boys (22%) than  in case of girls (16%). A dense population, limited resources, poverty etc. have contributed to the increasing child labour in Bangladesh.
Child Labour;img src="" alt="Child Labour" />
Child Labour
Child labour is a degradation of humanity. At this age, they are supposed to go to school. Instead, they take up hammer, busker, rickshaw or van in their hands and remain unfed, half-clad and bare-footed. Many of them work as domestic servants, whereas sometimes they are engaged to work in the fields, shops, hotels, restaurants and small factories. They are also seen to break bricks and to carry other building materials.
The root cause behind child labour is poverty. As most of the families have low income, their children are forced to do manual labour to support their families. Often  employers offer low pay for certain jobs which the grownups do not do. Such kinds of jobs are done by children. Unawareness and apathy of the parents towards education is another cause for child labour in Bangladesh. So, poverty, exploitation, deprivation and lack of good monitoring of law are the main causes of child lanbour.
Child Labour;img src="" alt="Child Labour" />
Child Labour
Child labour destroys the sweet period of childhood and face the children with the hard realities of life. Wherever they are employed, they are deprived of proper care, food, medical treatment and basic human rights. Children work for longer hours but they are not given due wages. Sometimes,  they have to work in unhealthy atmosphere and are involved in risky or dangerous work. All are against the dignity and self-esteem of a child. It hampers their education as well as their physical and able to lead the nation in the future.
Child labour is not illegal in Bangladesh. But the law discourages the employment of children. There is a number of laws and Acts relating to the protection and welfare of children in Bangladesh. The shops and Establishments Act (1965) prohibits employment of children below 12 years in shops and commercial establishments. The factories Act (1965), the minimum Wages Ordinance (1961), the Children’s Act (1974) etc. provide for minimum age, wages and other facilities for juvenile workers in Bangladesh.
Child Labour;img src="" alt="Child Labour" />
Child Labour
As a nation, we cannot remain simply a silent observer of child labour. Both the Govt. and other NGO’s should work together to root out this evil from the society. For this, poverty alleviation programme must be strengthened. Poor parents should be paid allowances to increase their income. Govt. must ensure that children do not drop out from schools. Strict laws should be enacted and enforced against employing children in manual work. After all, mass awareness against child labour should be raised amongst all people.
Children of today are the future of a country. A country of children without the light of education and having ill-health expedite the degeneration of the nation. In effect, they become a long standing burden on the nation. So, all of us must strive against child labour and ensure a peaceful, carefree and secured world for our children.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Misuse of Gas

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Picture of Gas 
Literally gas refers to any substance like air. But usually the term refers to natural gas that is used as fuel for heating and cooking. Bangladesh has always been considered to be a country rich in natural gas. But at the same time, it has been very much shocking that this natural resource is being misused here severely.
A total of 22 natural gas fields have been discovered in Bangladesh. The total gas in these fields is about 26 Tcf (Trillion cubic feet). But only 16 Tcf is considered recoverable. By now, about 5.1 Tcf. Of gas has been produced. So, the present recoverable reserve of gas in about 10.9 Tcf. Exerts say that this reserve may be able to fulfill the national demand of gas unit 2040.
Gas is used especially in power, fertilizer, industrial, commercial and domestic sectors. In the power sector 45% of the production of gas is used. This percentage is 35 in the fertilizer sector and 20 in the 
industrial, commercial and domestic sectors. But a huge amount of gas is misused in all these sectors. This is become of mismanagement and carelessness. Misuse of gas is most several in the industrial, commercial and domestic sectors. Used in these sectors even keep the gas burners on all the time to save a match or to dry clothes.
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Picture of Gas 
Bangladesh has been very much dependent on natural gas as it is her primary commercial fuel. She has no significant oil reserve. It has also no prospect for further hydroelectric projects. Besides, the possibility of having nuclear power is as remote as ever. In such a situation, natural gas will remain the sole source of commercial energy for a long time to come. If we continue misusing natural gas, the present reserve may be exhausted before an alternative energy source is in sight. This will be catastrophic for the future energy scenario of the country.
We should not leave the misuse of natural gas unchecked. For this we should develop an effective system of  gas transmission to check system loss. In power and fertilizer sectors, modern equipments should be set to stop misuse of gas. In industrial, commercial and domestic sectors, unnecessary keeping on of gas burners must be stopped. Above all, public awareness regarding the dangerous effects of misuse of gas should be created.
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Picture of Gas 
Natural gas plays an important role in the country’s. it is an environment friendly fuel. It undergoes clean and odourless, combustion. But its reserve is not unlimited. So we all should be careful about its proper use to ensure its long-term availability.

Agriculture in Bangladesh

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Agriculture  Picture
Agriculture means is science and practice of producing crops. It is the mainstay of the majority of the people of Bangladesh. The other sub-sectors of agriculture are livestockpoultryfisheries, and forestry. 
The total land area in Bangladesh is 14.4 million hectare. About 66.6% of this
land area is available for cultivation. Total land area of Bangladesh is divided into 30 agroecological zones and 88 sub-regions. Rice alone covers about 88% of the total cropped areaAgriculture land here is fragmented into small pieces because of the large number of farm holdings.

According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics about 70% of  the civilian labour forch are engaged in agriculture. Of the total agriculture labour force about 20% are paid day-labourers. The rest are the

cultivator themselves and unpaid family workers. Rural women and children constitute a substantial part of agriculture labour.
Agriculture contribution to GDP was more than 60% in the per-liberation period. But now it has declined to less than 30%. This shows that, we have not been able to increase our agriculture production in comparison with population growth. However, crop production is the most important sub-sector of our agriculture which covers about 72% of the total agriculture production. The shares of forestry, livestock, five is the most important crop. It occupies three-fourths of the total production.
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Agriculture  Picture

Agriculture of Bangladesh can not cope with the increasing demand of our people due to some problems. There problems include illiteracy of our-farmers, lack of credit support, lack of technological know how and modern agricultural inputs, frequent natural calamities etc. In fact, agriculture in Bangladesh is still a 'gamble in the monsoon. Agricultural production here is affected sometimes by excessive rainfall and sometimes by drought.
The first and foremost step essential for the improvement of our agriculture is the education of our farmers. They should be taught the modern and scientific methods of cultivation. They should also well-trained in disaster management and past control. The farmers should be provided with credit on easy terms. In a word, to wipe out all the problems of agriculture, the government as well as the conscious part of our society should come forward. Only then we can hope for a better future for agriculture.

It is important to note that our farmers have stared following modern methods of agriculture. The government is also trying to improve our agriculture. At the same time, some NGO's have extended their helping hands to our farmers. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute(BRRI) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute(BARI) are working hard to improve seeds and methods of cultivation.

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Agriculture  Picture
A Chinese account of 1349-50 AD stated agriculture in Bangladesh saying. "The seasons of Heaven have scattered the wealth of the Earth over this kingdom". We still have those wealth available. For example, we have agricultural resources like fertile land, water resources and a congenial agroclimate. Now, to crop with the changing atmosphere, we should develop our skills to increase agricultural production. At the same time, the government and the conscious people should provide every assistance to our farmers to ensure the improvement of our agriculture.

Fish Cultivation in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a land of rivers, ponds, canals, lakes, beels and many big or small ditches. So there is a great prospective of fish cultur...